Use of Cloud Computing Public Model

Swami Antar Jashan
By -
Use of Cloud Computing Public Model 

Now day Cloud computing is the latest technologies trends. lets us understand what is Cloud computing and How it can be used by an individual, Govt, and Non-Govt organizations.

What is Cloud computing?

Definition – Cloud computing is "a style of computing where scalable and elastic IT-related capabilities are provided as a service to customers using internet technologies.

Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (Typically the Internet). Users can access cloud computing using networked client devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and Smartphones. These are called cloud clients.

A Cloud is a collection of shared (or multi tenant) computing resources that are easily accessed and consumed at will.

Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software in the data centers that provide those services.

Cloud Deployment Models: Public, Private, Hybrid.
  • Private Cloud - Enterprises create private clouds for exclusive use.
  • Public Cloud - Public cloud providers offer services to multiple customers. Public cloud applications, storage and other resources are made available to the general public by a service provider. These services are free or offered on a pay-per-use model. Example – Amazon AWS, Microsoft and Google own and operate the infrastructure and offer access only via Internet.
·         Hybrid Cloud – the combination of both public and private.
Public Clouds
Private Cloud
Lower upfront costs
High efficiency
Economies of scale
High Availability
Simpler to manage
Elastic capacity
Both offer:
High efficiency
High availability
Elastic capacity.

The data center hardware and software is what we will call a cloud. When a cloud is made available in a pay-as-you-go manner to the general public we call it a public cloud; the service being sold is utility computing. We use the term private cloud to refer to internal data centers of a business or other organization not made available to the general public.

Public cloud computing are just alternative sourcing option for government organizations that want to use an application as a service.  There are so many vendors like Amazon AWS, Microsoft, and Google which provides various applications in a cloud environment.

We can use these free services to create a better application for individual purposes, Govt and Non-Govt organization.
In Google, there are so many services available, which can be used for better applications. Services are such as
  • ·         Gmail , Google Docs,
  • ·         Google Drive
  • ·         Piscas
  • ·         Fusion Tables
  • ·         Google Sites and Good map Engine Lite.
These services are free for individual users and organizations and services are running on a cloud and can be accessed by any device such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets and Smartphones. The data is stored in data center on the cloud.

Gmail is a mail service.

Google Docs is web-based software for building text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. It supports features such as tables, bullet points, basic fonts, and spell check and text size. It allows multiple users to edit and update the same document and view the history of document change. The service allows users to import and export files in several formats, including Microsoft office, PDF, text and open office extension.
Google drive is basically an online storage system that provides up to 15 GB for free. It also has desktop version that you can install on your computer and which will make it very easy to sync files between your computer and your Google drive account.  It is available for PC, Chrome OS, iPhone, Ipad and Android devices.

Fusion Tables - is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize and share larger data tables. See the data on a map or as a chart immediately, got that nice map or chart of your data, you can embed it in a web page or blog post. Or send a link by email or IM. It will always display the latest data values from your table and helps you communicate your story more easily.

Google Map engine lite help for create advance custom maps to share with collaborators and also publish to the web. Import locations from a spreadsheet, use layers to visualize different types of content or simply draw and add place, lines and shapes.

Picasa - is a tool to upload, share, and edit image and attach location to photos using Google maps.

Google Sites – It makes creating and sharing a group website easy. It allows you display a variety of information in one place – including videos, slideshows, calendars, presentations, attachments and text and share it for viewing or editing with a small group, an entire organization or the world.  You can do with Google sites Customize your site, Create sub-pages to keep your content organized, Have a central location for your web content and offline files, keep your site as private or public as you like. You can create only 100 MB sites

You can use with the integration of all these services to create a better website by using Google Sites.

Example :-
 I have created the GIS based website for polling booth information system by using these Google  free services. The url of website is :

The website is useful better planning and management of the electoral process.  It has made use of GIS BASED mapping tools and mapped the following crucial aspects of poll management on Google maps.

 Layer 1 – Polling station with complete infrastructure details including photographs.
 Layer 2 – Critical polling stations.
 Layer 3- Shadow areas.
 Layer 4- Long Route as per AC Wise route charts.
 Layer 5- Vulnerability mapping.

These layers have been mapped with the help of free Google services (Google map engine Lite, fusion tables, Picasa, Google drive etc.) .

Website – Created by Google Sites.
Image 1: Website – Created by Google Sites.

Map is created by Google Map Maker.
Image 2: Map is created by Google Map Maker.

Created by Map Engine Lite.
Image 3: Created by Map Engine Lite.

Created by Fusion table and Picasa
Image 4: Created by Fusion table and Picasa

Created by Fusion table and Picasa
Image 5: Created by Fusion table and Picasa

Created by Map Engine Lite.
Image 6: Created by Map Engine Lite.

Created by Map Engine Lite.
Image 7: Created by Map Engine Lite.

Created by Map Engine Lite.
Image 8: Created by Map Engine Lite.


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