Saving & Investing for Wealth Creation & Financial Independence

Swami Antar Jashan
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Saving & Investing
(Formula for Wealth Creation & Financial Independence)

Money is important for every human being, it is precious & humans are working for earning the money for their needs, financial goals, etc., they know the important concept of "Saving money" but they often overlook the value of Investing. Saving money refers to putting aside funds that are not needed right now (i.e. Savings equals income minus expenses.) Saving money is the initial step but sound investment decisions are also very important. Both saving and investment are financial behavior. 

Saving & Investing for Wealth Creation & Financial Independence

In order to build wealth and achieve financial independence, let's attempt to grasp "Why saving and continuing to invest is necessary?"
The primary function of money is as a medium of exchange. That's why money has value. In my opinion, Money is a terrific buddy once you put it to work for you rather than you are not working for money (Investing). 

Money is more valuable in human life, thus I believe saving and investing as much as you can be helping you and helping the country's economy. 

There are five basic ways to invest money that it works for you or yields a higher return:
  • Put money in the savings account.
  • Buying collectibles.
  • Buying apartments or a house or land
  • Buying bonds.
  • Buying stocks.
Saving accounts, Money market funds, Treasury Bills, and Certificates of deposit (CDS): all are known as short-term investmentsThey pay you a lower interest rate. ( The interest rate is the rate at which interest is charged or granted on any money deposited, lent, or borrowed in each period.)

The first purpose of saving and investing is to keep ahead of inflation i.e increase in the cost of goods and services, it's less the value of money & your purchasing power. The problem with leaving money in a bank or savings and loan, the money is safe in the short run because it’s insured against loss and inflation but in long run, it's likely to lose ground against taxes and inflation.

Saving accounts: are excellent ways to places to park money so you can get it quickly whenever you need to pay bills. They are a great place to store cash until you have got a big enough pile to invest elsewhere. But over long periods of time, they won't do you much good.

Buying stocks: buying a stock of the company, i.e. stock ownership. The secret to successful investing is finding successful companies' stocks.   

Finding successful businesses is challenging but if you do your own research or homework you can do them. You begin by adopting the perspective of a stock picker, who views everything as a possible investment, there are a few more things you should know about the company:

v  Is the company spending its money properly or wasting it?

v  How much money does it owes to banks? 

v  How quickly are sales increasing?  

v  How much money is earned in the past year and how much it can expect to earn in the future?  

v  The Stock is selling at a fair price, a bargain price, or too high a price. 

v  The Company is paying a dividend and if so how much of a dividend and how often it has increased.

Investing is not an exact science therefore no matter how hard you study the numbers and how much you learn about a company's past performance you can never be sure about its future performance. What will happen to narrow is always a guess.  Being an investor, it is your responsibility to avoid making irrational decisions. 

It is your responsibility to pick stocks and not overpay for them rather than to continuously monitor any positive or negative development at the company's business you want to pick. You can use your knowledge to keep the risks to a minimum. 

Saving money & investing money is a regular practice that should be continued for, wealth creation and financial independence. 

Have fun saving and investing. Best wishes.


Disclaimer: This blog is exclusively for educational purposes and does not provide any advice/tips on Investment or recommend buying and selling any stock

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