Google WebStory: A New Way to Connect with People

Swami Antar Jashan
By -

 Google Web Stories

Google launched Google Web Stories in beta back in 2018. Publishers have used web stories as a permanent method of storytelling to attract new audiences and retain existing ones. 

Web story benefits like:

  • Website traffic, 
  • Advertising revenue, and 
  • Costs across companies that deployed web stories as a marketing tool. 

What is Google Web Story?

Web stories are a web-based version of popular stories format that blend video, audio, images, animation, and text to create a dynamic consumption experience. These stories are designed to be mobile-friendly and can be easily viewed and shared on smartphones and tablets.

Google Web Story is a feature that allows you to create visually engaging and interactive stories for the web. It's like telling a story using a combination of pictures, videos, text, and even animations. It's like telling a story through a series of slides or panels, just like in a comic book or a picture book.

We can think of Google Web Stories as a fun and creative way to share information, entertain, or engage with your audience. Whether you want to showcase a recipe, share travel experiences, or create a visual guide, Web Stories provide viewers a visually appealing and immersive experience.

Where it will appear on the Internet

A dedicated Google Web Stories carousel now appears at the top of Discover for users in the US, India, and Brazil. Web Stories appear on Google Discover carouselGoogle Search, or Google Images. Understanding a user’s search intent is critical to getting your web store to rank high on Google. A preview of each Web Story is shown in the carousel, which users can tap on to view in an immersive full-screen experience. Users can tap to move forward through each slide in a story or swipe to move on to the next story in the carousel. Google Web Stories are functionally similar to stories on apps like Instagram and Snapchat, that’s where the similarities end.

Unlike stories on those platforms, creators of Google Web Stories own the content. Web Stories are hosted on publishers’ own websites, which gives the creators full control over adding things like links and advertising. Publishers can even share Web Stories with a URL, just like sharing any other web page. So Web Stories can be seen outside of the Google app.

It is a new way to display the content

Imagine you have a fun adventure to share with your friends, and instead of just writing about it or showing them static pictures, you can create a Web Story. With Google Web Story, you can bring your story to life with vibrant visuals, captivating videos, and snappy text. It is indeed a new and exciting way to deliver content on the web and also they provide a fresh and engaging format for sharing information, entertainment, and storytelling.

Traditionally, content on the web has been primarily in the form of text-based articles, videos, or images. But with the rise of mobile devices and people's changing preferences, there was a need for a more visually captivating and interactive way to present content. That's why Google Web Stories come in. They offer a mobile-focused and visually rich experience that is designed to capture and hold the attention of the audience. With their swipe able format and visually appealing elements like images, videos, and animations, Web Stories provide a unique way to consume content.

They are designed to be immersive and mobile-friendly, so people can easily view them on their smartphones or tablets. They are displayed in a full-screen format, making the experience more engaging and enjoyable. 
Whether you want to showcase your travel experiences, share a recipe, or promote your business. It provides a creative and interactive way to engage with your audience. It's like creating your own mini-movie or digital book that people can explore and enjoy with just a swipe or a tap.

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